
SKYBAR JAMBOREE // The WarmUp Edition

04/03/2023 6:00 pm - 04/03/2023 11:00 pm

St. Andrea Wine&Skybar

2023-ban új eseménysorozatot indítunk a St. Andrea Wine&Skybarban: legyél ott a legenda születésénél - március 4-én debütál a SKYBAR JAMBOREE!

Szombat este 19.30-tól a bakelitkirály DJ Gálik Béla zenél, egész este hódít a polip taco és fürdik a szarvasgombában a Dirty Fries, elsőként mutatkozik be új, signature koktélunk, 22.00-kor pedig free champagne session jelzi majd: vége az üldögélésnek, kezdődik a buli - a jelszó pedig így hangzik: +20% hangerő.

Asztalfoglalás ajánlott és egy kis emlékeztető: a menő arcok a bárpultnál kezdenek!

Asztalfoglalás itt!


In 2023, St. Andrea Wine&Skybar starts a new series of events: be there at the birth of the legend... on March 4, the SKYBAR JAMBOREE will debut!

This Saturday night the king of vinyl, DJ Béla Gálik plays music from 7:30 p.m., you will be tempted by octopus tacos and Dirty Fries bathed in truffles all night! Our new signature cocktail is introduced first this night, and at 10 p.m. a free champagne session will signal: chair warming is over, leeeet's party.

Reservations are recommended and a little reminder: cool faces start at the bar! 




1055 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 78.

Opening hours

Weekdays: 12:00—23:00
Saturday: 18:00—23:00

Sunday: closed (only open for private events)

Business lunch: on weekdays 12:00-15:00
Kitchen: 12:00-22:00


Smart casual


If you are unable to attend at the time you have booked, please let us know on one of our contact details so that we can make an alternative reservation for another guest. Thank you!


The entrance to St. Andrea Restaurant is located at the corner of Eiffel Palace, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 78. and Stollár Béla utca. Parking is available in the surrounding streets. Our colleagues will be happy to assist you with calling a driver service and ordering a taxi on your way out.


Our restaurant is non-smoking according to current legislation. Smoking is allowed at the public ashtrays on the side of the restaurant on Stollár Béla Street. 


We kindly ask our guests to try to arrange childcare for their children under 12 years of age for the duration of their stay, thus facilitating their own and our other guests' undisturbed relaxation. 


Please do not bring your pets with you during your stay, as our restaurant is not suitable for pets.

Reservation Reservation